2008–2016 Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Doctoral studies. Particles in Modern Vietnamese
1974–1979 CTU Prague – Faculty of Civil Engineering
1973–1974 University of 17 November Prague – Czech language
Work experience since graduation:
Since 1992: Department of Far Eastern Studies / Department of Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
1980–1992 External lecturer of Vietnamese language at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
1980–1992 Designer at the Project and Engineering Organization of the Ministry of Culture, the State Institute for the Reconstruction of heritage Towns and Buildings, the Construction of the Capital City of Prague
2006: grant of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic: Development of the structure of the bachelor’s programme in ethnology with specialisation in Vietnamese studies
2012–13: grant of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic: Support of education in languages of national minorities and multicultural education project “Chapters from Vietnamese culture“
2015: grant of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic: Support of education in languages of national minorities and multicultural education. Project “Vietnamese Cultural Traditions – Interpretive Dictionary“
2018 International Conference on Vietnamese Studies: Teaching of Vietnamese Language and Vietnamese Studies at Universities – Research Papers: Teaching of Vietnamese Language and Vietnamese Studies at Faculty of Arts Charles University.
2016 5th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies: Sustainable Development in the Context of Global Change. Research Papers: Vietnamese Community in the Czech Republic – The issue of maintaining and promoting Vietnamese language and traditional cultural values.
Lucie Hlavatá, Binh Slavická: 1000 Vietnamese words. Illustrated dictionary. 136 p. Brno: Edika, 2017. ISBN 978-80-266-1102-8
Binh Slavická: Vietnamese in the Age of Open Doors. Far East, 2013, No 2, 117-129. ISSN 1805-1049.
Binh Slavicka: Practical Phonetics of Vietnamese. 224 p. Prague, Karolinum 2008. ISBN 978-80-246-1488-5
Lucie Hlavatá, Binh Slavická: Practical Vietnamese. 320 p. Prague, Fortuna 2003. ISBN 80-7168-887-8
Binh Slavická: Vietnamese Reader. 141 p. Prague, Karolinum 1997. ISBN 80-7184-485-3
Translations from Czech into Vietnamese:
Jaroslav Hašek: The Fate of the Good Soldier Svejk during the World War, Volume No. 1 + No. 2. [Vận mệnh người lính tốt Švejk trong Đại chiến Thế giới, tập I. và II.] Hà Nội: NXB Phụ Nữ, 2020. ISBN 978-604-56-8871-7
Karel Čapek: White Disease [Bệnh trắng] Hà Nội: NXB Hội nhà văn, 2020. ISBN 978-604-9959-46-2
Jan Neruda: Talesfrom theLittle Quarter [Những câu chuyện về khu phố nhỏ ven sông] Hà Nội: NXB Văn học, 2018. ISBN 978-604-969-958-0.
Translations from Vietnamese to Czech:
Thuỳ Linh: Gió mưa gửi lại [I will leave the dust of life here]. Monthly Journal of World Literature PLAV 2013, No.4, 33-36. MKCR E 15811, ISSN 1802-4734.
Phạm Thị Ngọc Liên: Đồi hoang [On the lonely hill]. Monthly Journal of World Literature PLAV 2013, No. 4, p. 29-32. MKČR E 1581, ISSN 1802-4734.