Martin Hříbek

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Mgr. Martin Hříbek, Ph.D.

Konzultační hodiny
  • Po 14:30-15:30
  • Ústav asijských studií

Ústav asijských studií
Celetná 20
Místnost č. 350

Odborné zájmy

Bengálský jazyk, indická společnost, indický nacionalismus, antropologie Indie

Vzdělání a odborná praxe

2009 až dosud – odborný asistent, ÚJCA, FF UK

2006-2009 – asistent, ÚJCA, FF UK

2005-2006 – vědecký pracovník, ÚJCA, FF UK

2001-2009 – FF UK, postgraduální studium, obor: Dějiny a kultury zemí Asie a Afriky

1996-2001 – FF UK, magisterské studium, obory Etnologie a Bengálština

Výzkumné projekty a stáže

2017 až dosud: PROGRES Místa střetávání: Strategické regiony mezi Evropou, severní Afrikou a Asií, člen týmu

2014 září až prosinec: výzkumný pobyt na Monash Asia Institute, Melbourne, Austrálie.

2012-2016: PRVOUK 08 – Orientalistika a afrikanistika, člen týmu

2005-2011: Základy moderního světa v zrcadle literatury a filosofie, – výzkumný záměr MŠMT, člen týmu podprojektu PANDANUS

2007-2008: Aktéři, předměty, prostor a významy v rituálech denní oběti v Bengálsku – grant GA AV, řešitel.

2003-2005: Tradice a proměny bengálské lidové kultury – GA ČR, spoluřešitel.

2001-2004: Dlouhodobý terénní výzkum v Indii v rámci postgraduálního studia s podporou Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund a Indian Council for Cultural Relations. Afiliace ke Katedře sociologie na University of Calcutta.

Participace v krátkodobých výzkumných projektech mj. pro MV ČR, Etnologický ústav AV, Central European University.

Jednotlivé přednášky

Katedra obecné antropologie FHS UK; Institut sociálních studií FSV UK; FAMU; Institut für Indologie und Tamilistik, Universita v Kolíně nad Rýnem; Calicut University, Kérala, (Frontier Lecture); Rabindra Bharati Society, Kalkata; Institute of Ethnic Studies, National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; Department of Bengali, Dhaka University, Bangladesh; Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University, Calcutta; Surendranath College for Girls, Calcutta; Victoria Memorial Hall, Calcutta; Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literatures, University of Delhi.

Kurátorství výstav

2006 Bengálský filmový plakát, Galerie Kritiků, Palác Adria, Praha.

2007 Many Colours of Asia, Dům u Kamenného zvonu, Praha, 7.6. – 5.7.

Členství v redakčních radách

2007-2017 – Pandanus, zástupce šéfredaktora. ISSN 1802-7997

1998-2011 – Cargo, časopis pro kulturní a sociální antropologii. ISSN 1212-4923.

Členství v odborných společnostech

– Česká asociace pro sociální antropologii (místopředseda 2013-2016)

– International Society of Bengal Studies, Executive Council Member

– European Association of South Asian Studies

Další aktivity

Organizace konferencí, kulatých stolů a veřejných přednášek. Tlumočení a překlady pro MV ČR, soudy a Febiofest. Příležitostně publicistické pořady a komentáře k aktuálnímu dění v Indii, zejména pro ČRo. Odborný průvodce v Indii, Nepálu a Tibetu.


Kompletní seznam

  • 2017a. ‘Modern Appropriations of Devī.’ In Conceiving the Goddess: Transformation and Appropriation in Indic Religions, edited by Jayant B. Bapat and Ian Mabbett. Clayton, Victoria: Monash University Publishing, pp. 257-277. ISBN (pb): 978-1-925377-30-9. The volume is reviewed in, an initiative of the International Insitute for Asian Studies.
  • 2017b. ‘Imagining Transnational Connectivities: Some Asia-centric Perspectives from Central Europe.’ In Proceedings of International Conference on Inter-Regional Connectivity: South Asia and Central Asia, edited by Khalid Manzoor Butt and Muhammad Manzoor Elahi. Lahore: Department of Political Science, Centre of Excellence China Studies, GC University Lahore, pp. 207-211. ISBN: 978-969-9071-07-2.
  • 2017c. ‘Fabrizio M. Ferrari and Thomas Dähnhardt (eds.), Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion: Plant Life in South Asian Traditions – a review,’ PANDANUS ‘16, Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 83-92. ISSN 1802-7997.
  • 2016. ‘ব শ শতা ীর থম প ে চে িা লাভাবিয়া ত র ী বে ার ভা ’ (Rabindranath Tagore and his ideas in Czechoslovakia in the first half of the twentieth century) Bhabanagara: International Journal of Bengal Studies, Vol. 5, No. 5-6, pp. 567-582. ISSN 2313-6065.2015a. ‘Dalai-Lamaism: An Orientalist Construction of Post-socialist Consciousness.’ In Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe, edited by H. Cervinkova, M. Buchowski, Z. Uherek. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 217-239. ISBN: 978-1-137-52448-5. The volume is reviewed in American Ethnologist, Pol-Int (Polish Studies).
  • 2015b. ‘Rabindranath Tagore’s Czechoslovak Connection.’ In Tagore the Eternal Seeker Footprints of a World Traveller, edited by Suryakanthi Tripathi, Radha Chakravarty and Nivedita Ray. New Delhi: VIJ Books, pp. 141-150. ISBN: 9789382652953.
  • 2015c. ‘Heroes from the Margins in Contemporary Bengali Fiction,’ Indologica Taurinensia: The Journal of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Vol. XL (2014), pp. 113-130, special issue edited by Tiziana Pontillo. ISSN 1023-3881.
  • 2014. ‘Czechoslovakia and its Successors.’ In Rabindranath Tagore: One Hundred Years of Global Reception, edited by Imre Bangha and Martin Kaempchen, editorial adviser Uma Dasgupta. New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan, pp. 333-356. ISBN: 978-81-250-5568-6. The volume is reviewed in The Statesman, The Telegraph, The Times of India, and The Indian Express.
  • 2012a. ‘Czech Indology and the concept of Orientalism.’ In Understanding India: Indology and Beyond. Edited by J. Vacek and Harbans Mukhia. Assistant Editor M. Hříbek. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 1 – 2011, Orientalia Pragensia XXVIII, pp. 45-56. ISSN 0587-1255; ISBN 978- 80-246-2031-2. The volume is reviewed in Studies in History (Sage).
  • 2012b. ‘Doslov’. In Ghosh, Amitav, Ve starobylé zemi. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství, pp. 291- 295.
  • 2011. ‘Rabíndranáth Thákur a jeho vztah k Československu.’ Perspektivy Indie, 2011, pp. 6-13. ISSN: 0970 5074.
  • 2009a. Durgāpūjā in Calcutta: The Poetics and Politics of a Ritual, (PhD. Dissertation, Charles University in Prague).
  • 2009b. ‘Pascal Boyer: Religion Explained’ – recenze, CARGO 1/2009: 124-125.
  • 2008a. ‘Bohyně Durgá a její podoby v současné Kolkatě’. In Mé zlaté Bengálsko, Ed. Lubomír Ondračka. Praha: Ex Oriente; FF UK, pp. 134-148.
  • 2008b. ‘Matching uneven pairs: Lotuses, water lilies, and their Sanskrit counterparts,’ PANDANUS ‘08, Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual.Vol. 2/2., pp. 147–153; ISSN 1802-7997. The volume is reviewed in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung.
  • 2007. ‘Flowers and trees in Tagore ́s songs relating to summer, autumn and winter,’ PANDANUS ‘07, Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Vol. 1, pp. 141–154; ISSN 1802-7997.
  • 2006. ‘Flowery images of spring in Rabīndrasaṅgīt.’ In PANDANUS 2006, Nature in Literatures and Ritual. Ed. by J. Vacek. Charles University, Faculty of Arts; TRITON, Praha 2006, pp. 271-285;
    ISBN 80-7254-899-9.
  • 2005a. ‘A note on plants in the Devi Mahatmya.’ In PANDANUS 2005. Ed. by J. Vacek. Signeta, Prague, pp. 121–134; ISBN 80-903325-2-8.
  • 2005b. ‘Le sens et les règles: assemblage de données sur la Durgapuja à Calcutta.’ In La restitution des données dans la recherche en sciences sociales: techniques et enjeux. Actes des Ateliers Jeunes
    Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales. New Delhi: AJEI & CSH.
  • 2005c. ‘Strom užitečný, citlivý a uctívaný: několik příkladů z indické tradice.’ Revue Souvislosti 4/05, pp. 132-135; ISSN 0862-6928.
  • 2004a. ‘Rama’s inventory of flowers for Durga worship according to the Krittibasi Ramayan,’ In PANDANUS 2004, ed. J. Vacek. pp. 47-64. Praha: Signeta.
  • 2004b. ‘Kosovo war refugees in the Czech Republic: A micro-study in transition process.’ In A Decade of Change: Reflections in Hungarian and Slavonic Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Department of Slavonic and Finno-Ugrian Studies, Delhi University: Delhi. pp. 35-40.
  • 2003. ‘Nature motifs and symbols in the oral literature and village arts of Bengal: an ethnobotanical approach.’ In PANDANUS 2003, ed. J. Vacek. pp. 133-153. Praha: Signeta.
  • 2002a. ‘Ritual use of plants in the worship of the goddess Durga in Bengal.’ In PANDANUS 2002: Nature in Indian Literatures and Art, ed. J. Vacek, pp. 41-62. Praha: Signeta.
  • 2002b. ‘Smoking the demon out: Pathways and intersections of two contemporary rituals,’ Cargo 1,2/02, pp. 81-93.
  • 2001. ‘Dipankar Gupta. Mistaken Modernity: India Between Worlds – recenze,’ Cargo 1,2/01, pp. 158-159.
  • 2000. ‘Reflexe terénního výzkumu obrazu uprchlíků z Kosova u obyvatel obci, u nichž byla umístěna humanitární střediska’. In Terénní výzkum integrace a segregace, ed. S. Kužel, pp. 199-216. Praha: Cargo Publishers.
  • 1999a. ‘Marc Augé: Pour une anthropologie des mondes contemporains – recenze,’ Cargo 3,4/99, pp. 264-268.
  • 1999b. Vidnava and Kosovo Albanian Refugees. An unpublished report for the Administration of Refugee Camps of the Czech Home Office, 30 pp.
  • 1999c. ‘Antropologie v Portugalsku. Vývoj a současnost ve srovnání s Českou republikou’, Cargo 2/99, pp. 159-163.
  • 1999d. ‘15th European Conference of Modern South Asian Studies,’ Cargo 1/99, pp. 70-71.
  • 1998. ‘Sanskrtizace – Způsob sociální mobility v kastovním systému’, Cargo 1/98, pp. 3-8.


  • 2017a. Hak, Hásán Ázizul. Klec, Plav, Vol. XIII, No. 5-6, pp. 25-31. ISSN: 1802-4734.
  • 2017b. Bhattáčárja, Nabárun. Úleťáci, Plav, Vol. XIII, No. 5-6, pp. 19-24. ISSN: 1802-4734.
  • 2016. ‘Proč je dobré mít antropologii (Why Anthropology Matters),’ Český lid: The Czech Ethnological Journal 1/103, pp. 15-21.
  • 2009a. Madžumdárová, Tilottamá. Psí matka, In Dusivá noc: Moderní bengálské povídky, Ex Oriente; FF UK, pp. 72-82.
  • 2009b. Bandjopádhjáj, Atín. Neslušnost pana D., In Dusivá noc: Moderní bengálské povídky, Ex Oriente; FF UK, pp. 182-222.
  • 2007. Malinowski, Bronislaw. Sex a represe v divošské společnosti (Sex and Repression in Primitive Society, with a co-translator). Prague: SLON.
  • 2000. Kürti, Lászlo. Antropologie Východu na začátku nového tisíciletí (Toward an Anthropology of the East in the New Millennium). Cargo 2/00, pp. 133-146.

Filtrovatelný seznam publikací (OBD)


  • 2018. The 5th International Congress of Bengal Studies (January 25-27, 2018), Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. Paper: “The Social Life of Clay”.
  • 2017. Seminar Komunikace o náboženství a sekularismu ve veřejné sféře (Communicating Religion and Secularism in Public Space, October 23, 2017), Centre for Global Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences, Prague. Paper: „Sekularismus, hinduismus a indický veřejný prostor“ (Secularism, Hinduism, and Indian Public Space).
  • 2017. International SeminarJourneys and Travellers, Routes and Destinations in Indian Literature and Art (September 21-23, 2017), Chair of South Asian Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “Journeys of Rabindranath Tagore across Central and Eastern Europe“.
  • 2016. Convenor (with Hans Harder) of Synergies in Modern South Asian Studies: Interdepartmental seminar of the Institute of South and Central Asia, Charles University in Prague & South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University (November 23, 2016), Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. Paper: „Acts of violence and political struggle in Nabarun Bhattacharya’s fiction“.
  • 2016. International Conference on Inter-Regional Connectivity: South Asia and Central Asia (November 9-10, 2016) Department of Political Science, Centre of Excellence China Studies, GC University Lahore, Pakistan. Paper: “Imagining Transnational Connectivities: Some Asia-centric Perspectives from Central Europe“.
  • 2016. International Seminar Crossing Boundaries, Transforming Experiences in Indian Literature and Art (September 2-24, 2016), Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Paper: “Crossing boundaries and transforming experiences in Nabarun Bhattacharya’s fiction“.
  • 2016. Co-convenor of the 4th Biennial Conference of the Czech Association for Social Anthropology (September 30 – October 1, 2016). Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.
  • 2016. Convenor of the panel „Imagining India in Central and Eastern Europe“ at the 24th ECSAS (European Conference on South Asian Studies) at the University of Warsaw (Poland, July 27-30).
  • 2016. Co-convenor of the international seminar Ritual change in South Asia: Circulations, transfers, transgressions (April 29, 2016), Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales, Prague. Paper: „Animating images of Durga: Art, ritual and technologies of enchantment on the streets of Calcutta“.
  • 2015. International seminar Patterns of Bravery: The Figure of the Hero in Indian Literature, Art and Thought (May 14-16, 2015), University of Cagliari, Italy. Paper: „Heroes from the margins in contemporary Bengali fiction”.
  • 2014. Monash University special one day roundtable on aspects of the state and civil society in modern India and Bangladesh (November 28, 2014), Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Paper: „Czech constructions of India and beyond from nineteenth century to post-socialism“.
  • 2014. International conference Rethinking Anthropologies in Central Europe for Global Imaginaries (May 26-27, 2014), Institute of Ethnology, Academy of Sciences and Visegrad Fund, Prague. Paper: „‘Dalai Lamaism’: An Orientalist element of Czech national identity in postsocialist period“.
  • 2013. International seminar Pandanus ’13: Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual (May 30 – June 1, 2013), Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. Paper: „Nature in patriotic songs of Rabindranath Tagore“.
  • 2013. Beyond Socialism and Postsocialism: Contemporary Ethnographic Perspectives on Central/Eastern Europe (May 16, 2013), workshop sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation at the School of Education, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland. Paper: „’Dalai-Lamaism’: An Orientalist element of Czech national identity in postsocialist period“.
  • 2013. International conference Tagore on Discriminations: Representing the Unrepresented, Metropolitan University, Prague, (November 1, 2013). Paper: “Tagore in Czech translations“.
  • 2011. The 2nd International Congress of Bengal Studies (December 17-20, 2011), University of Dhaka and Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Paper: চেকোস্লোভাকিয়াতে বাংলা চরচা ও বাংলা সংস্কৃতির প্রভাব (Bengali studies and Bengali cultural influence in Czechoslovakia).
  • 2011. International Seminar History and Society as Described in Indian Literature and Art (September 15-17, 2011), Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Paper: “Rivers of separation, roads to hope: cultural identity in post-independence Bengali cinema”.
  • 2011. 2nd Joint Biennial Conference of the Czech Association for Social Anthropology and the Slovak association of social anthropologists: OF COSMOPOLITANISM AND COSMOLOGIES (September 2-3, 2011), Telč, Czech Republic. Paper: “Czech Indology and the Concept of Orientalism”.
  • 2010. Pandanus ’10. International Seminar Narrative Techniques in Indian Literature and Art (January 7-9, 2010), Calicut University, Kerala, India. Paper: „Merging the narratives: tradition and modernity in popular arts of Calcutta”.
  • 2010. International Seminar Stylistic Devices in Indian Literature and Art (September 16-18, 2010), University of Milan, Milano-Gargnano, Italy. Paper: “Stylistic devices in Rabindrasangeet”.
  • 2010. CEENIS regional conference Indological Studies and Research: Languages, Literatures, History and Culture – Indological Identities (June 17-19, 2010), Charles University in Prague. Paper: “Indology and Social Sciences: A Central-European Perspective”.
  • 2010. The 1stInternational Congress of Bengal Studies (February 25-28, 2010), Delhi University, Delhi, India. Paper: “Cognition, structure and meaning: an anthropological analysis of Durga Puja”.
  • 2009. CEENIS regional conference Tradition and Modernity in Indian Culture, Indology and Teaching about India (September 25-26, 2009), Sofia University, Bulgaria. Paper: “India and Eastern Europe: the Interplay of Shifting Identities”.
  • 2009. Pandanus ’09. International Seminar Nature in Indian Literatures, Art and Religion (June 4-6, 2009), Charles University in Prague. Paper: „Flowery images of the rainy season in Rabindrasangit”.
  • 2008. International Seminar The City and The Forest in Classical Indian Literature (September 25-27, 2008), University of Warsaw, Poland. Paper: “The topos of the forest in Bankimchandra’s Anandamath”.
  • 2006. Pandanus ’06. International Seminar Nature in Indian Literatures, Art and Religion (May 18-21, 2006), Charles University in Prague. Paper: „Flowery images of spring in Rabindrasangit”.
  • 2005. Ateliers Jeunes Chercheurs: La restitution des données en sciences sociales (February 28 – March 4), Centre de Sciences Humaines, Jawaharal Nehru University, India International Center, New Delhi, India. Paper: „Le sens et les règles: assemblage de données sur la Durgapuja à Calcutta”.
  • 2005. International conference for students and postgraduates: Question of Identity: Religion Tradition-Modernity (April 7-10, 2005), Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Paper: „A goddess of the people, an icon for the nation: imaging Bharat Mata in modern Bengal”.
  • 2003. Pandanus ’03 International Seminar (May 23, 2003), Charles University in Prague. Paper: „Nature motifs and symbols in the oral literature and village arts of Bengal: an ethnobotanical Approach“.
  • 2002. International Seminar A Decade of Change: Reflections in Hungarian and Slavonic Languages, Literatures and Cultures (March 13-14, 2002), Department of Slavonic and Finno-Ugrian Studies, Delhi University, India. Paper: “Kosovo war refugees in the Czech Republic: A micro-study in transition process”.
  • 2002. Pandanus ’02 International Seminar (May 24-25, 2002), Charles University in Prague. Paper: „Ritual use of plants in the worship of the goddess Durga in Bengal”.
  • 1999. 4th International Congress of Aleš Hrdlička “World Anthropology at the Turn of the Centuries” (August 31 – September 4, 1999), Prague and Humpolec.

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