Sadanand Dhume: Indian general election 2014: What Narendra Modi means for India

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Sadanand Dhume

z American Enterprise Institute (Washington, US)

na téma

Indian general election 2014:

What Narendra Modi means for India

Středa 9. 4. 2014 14:30–16:00

FF UK, Celetná ul. 20, místnost č. 427


Summary: Starting April 7, India’s general election — the world’s largest democratic exercise — is set to be the most momentous in decades. After 10 years of rule by the Indian National Congress, polls indicate that the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is likely to win a plurality of seats in parliament and lead the next government in New Delhi. The BJP’s controversial but business-friendly candidate Narendra Modi is likely to be prime minister. What would Modi’s election mean for India, and the world?


Sadanand Dhume is a Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he writes on South Asian political economy, foreign policy, business, and society, with a focus on India and Pakistan. Mr. Dhume has served as India bureau chief of the Far Eastern Economic Review and as Indonesia correspondent of FEER and the Wall Street Journal – Asia, and is currently a South Asia columnist for the Wall Street Journal. Previously, he was Bernard Schwartz Fellow at the Asia Society in Washington, D.C. He has written articles and op-eds for Foreign Policy, Forbes, Commentary, YaleGlobal, the Washington Post, and other publications. His television appearances include CNN, PBS, BBC World, Al Jazeera International, CNBC Asia and ABC Television. His political travelogue about the rise of radical Islam in Indonesia, My Friend the Fanatic: Travels with a Radical Islamist, has been published in four countries. He has twice been selected by Foreign Policy magazine as one of the world’s top 100 Twitterati. Follow him on Twitter @dhume.

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