Prof. Dr. A. J. Gail: Hinduism in Angkor: pantheon and iconography

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Prof. Dr. A. J. Gail

z Freie Universität Berlin

Na téma:

Hinduism in Angkor: pantheon and iconography

V pondělí 14. 12. 2015 v 14.10 hod., m. č. 427, Celetná ul. 20

My new research project in Angkor, supported by the German Research Council, envisages to gather the whole Hindu pantheon of the Khmer during the Angkor period (between 9th and 12th centuries CE). Comparable to the situation of the Mahayana Buddhism in Angkor it is much smaller than the pantheon in India. A further aim is to correct misleading (French) identifications of (narrative) reliefs in the temple of Angkor Wat; hitherto unidentified sculptures I try to identify. My first results will be submitted on the occasion of this lecture only 4 days after my return from Angkor.

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Úvod > Přednášky hostů a konference > Prof. Dr. A. J. Gail: Hinduism in Angkor: pantheon and iconography